
Friday, August 11, 2017

This or That, #100daysofhappiness, WIPS

Usually Friday's would be for Finished Objects, but...although things are finished, they haven't had photo shoots, so instead....

As I mentioned the other day I am doing a #100daysofhappiness Challenge.  So often we forget to look for the things that make us happy and only see the things that make us mad, or sad, or stressed, or...or...or...

So here is a little round up of things that made me happy this week..

And some WIP shots....more on those later next week probably!

And the This or That questions....can't wait to see what I ask next Tuesday!

And all those pictures from my IG feed mean only one thing...I had better get a photo shoot in tomorrow or you will be seeing the same pics again for Silent Sunday!

Have a great weekend!


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