
Friday, June 23, 2017

Not What You Were Expecting

I bet you were expecting a Finished Object Friday post...

yeah, me too...

I couldn't get it together!

Not that there weren't finished things, some that are on the "hush-hush" and some that are perfectly public, just I don't have the pictures in the right places, or they haven't been blocked or photo'd at all...or....or...


No excuses, right?

Getting finished object pictures was not my priority this week.

There, I said it.

This week on my mile long to do list, photos were (at best) a B item, on a list full of A-1 priority, you gotta do this today, kinda things.

A-1, each and every day?  Do not *hit self in head with mallet, repeat from* until brains leak out of ears.

The jury is still out on if the brains leaked out of my ears yet or not, so for today....

Go play with google...It's fun she said.


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