
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Did I mention the Dishwasher Died?

Somewhere along the line the recirculating pump on my dishwasher decided that it was done.  It would pump water in, pump water out but not splish, splash the water around and actually clean the dishes.  As it turns out, it would be just about as expensive to get a new dishwasher installed as it would be to source and install a new recirculating pump.

Not something I was prepared to lay out money for right now, as money is just a little tight.

No, this isn't a rant about money or even dishwashers deciding to stop working, but, well money is tight. I have three teenagers (or young adults in one case) living in this single mom household, and contrary to the usual American way of mind I do not think it is appropriate to send a young adult out into the world saddled with student loan debt, so we are "paying as we go" for college expenses.

But, again this isn't a rant about money or dishwashers, it is a song.

See, the person who does the dishes gets to pick the music that plays while they wash. As the chief dishwasher, laundry doer and general picker-uper and cook around here that means I get to pick the music.  And play it loud enough to hear over the running water in the sink while I do the dishes.

I am old, and behind the times...but this song is key in the latest round of dishwashing/cooking/cleaning playlists!

Turn up the volume and see if you can have the teenagers (young adults) in your life yell at you to turn your music down!

I finished my 4th entry to the Colourmart Spring Contest, with days to spare.  Modeled shots soon!

Between this, four test knits in progress and 12 (or 24) pending sock designs to be knit I was getting a little wrapped up in my own head.  Luckily one of my favorite designers has offered me some "knitting therapy" in the next week or so!  Secret knitting is not so exciting for you, but plenty of what I think I might need right now!

But, as that will be next week, in the meantime I have a lot of dishes to wash, some music to sing along to, and a whole bunch of socks to knit!


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