It was supposed to be a restful week of visiting, playing with kids, a little knitting and maybe even some yard had other ideas. If only I could find someone who wanted to pay me my regular salary to stay home and play with my kids, and knit!
I did get a little knitting done, not as much as I would have liked, but some at least!
The next pattern on my "baby blanket through time" has nupps!

Which are not the easiest thing to knit in a linen/silk/cotton blend and look a little wonky with the oil still on the yarn, but I have faith they will even out in the washing and blocking process. I have used most of a cone of yarn on this already and plan on two more repeats of that nupp pattern before hitting the edging. Good thing I have a cone or three more!
During one of the few hours that I stole from my job (I did manage to get a few hours on a couple of days away from work, even if for one of them I had to go back to man a table at
Jazz on the Avenue ...looks like they update that link frequently, the first performance has already vanished from the calendar, if you don't see a Jazz performance schedule you are too late for this years events!) I got a few things accomplished, namely getting new mattresses for the kids who said that sleeping on their beds was like sleeping on the floor! And then Dear Son #2 (aka The Other Brother) picked out a green yarn that he wanted a blanket made out of, then he kabitized over my shoulder at patterns and picked
Umaro by Jared Flood.

That is how far I got while we watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 with the monster man.

You would think that a blanket that includes, lace, texture and cables would be right up my alley, but those size 15 needles are killer on the hands. The one nice thing is that the bulky weight yarn is thick enough for my shaking hands to keep a hold of!
I also took advantage of the second pair of adult hands to get a little yard work done, not much because the monster man found it a little hot, and of course him doing my yard work while I was at the paying job was not in the cards, but I did get some of these picked!

The birds got a fair number before I got to them, but there were enough left to mash up a little...

And put on the stove with some sugar

And ladle out of the pan and into jars

I could only fit 6 jars at a time in my pasta don't need to get fancy canning equipment if you get a little creative! it took me three batches to process the....

13 jars of red currant jelly I made after dropping the monster man back at the airport.
If only I had checked the Back to the Garden Group first, Chart 2 was up!

I am not through knitting it yet, and still have chores to do before I can justify just a few more minutes knitting.
How was your week?