It is a gorgeous summer day here, outside Columbus, Ohio and a wee bit too early for me to be dreaming of thick, squishy yarns and warm wool sweaters and scarves...ok so maybe I don't dream of those things often, if at all, but the team over at ColourMart had other ideas!
ColourMart Lovers on Ravelry is sponsoring another group knit. This time a Fall Contest that will run from September 15 to November 30, just in time for Holiday knits.
If you will recall, I won a prize in the Spring-Summer version of the contest and claimed three beautiful cones of cashmere in blue. (And no, the pattern is still not ready for anyone else to knit, my notes got ignored in the end and I haven't quite figured out how I ended the sleeves on their second knit through!!)
The rules of the game have changed a little this time around, with everyone who finishes in each category being put in a random drawing for a prize. Richard (owner of that fabulous yarn store extraordinaire) has again committed to some fabulous prizes, which will be announced a little way into the contest.
If you would like to play, sign up for your project on the group page of Ravelry...if you don't belong to Ravelry why not? It's free and a tremendous time sink, I mean resource for patterns and yarn and friends......
*or spring if you are in Australia!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Late Breaking News
I have shown pictures from this blog to the people at work, so they could see kids mostly, but other things outweigh kids pictures on these in case you missed it....
Late Breaking News.....I have a blog!!
It's about my knitting.
I'm sure you were worried about that. :)
Late Breaking News.....I have a blog!!
It's about my knitting.
I'm sure you were worried about that. :)
Monday, August 23, 2010
From the comment section
The question is : Would Jade Sapphire Angelwing work for the Hug from Summer Swatch Me!
The answer is :
One of the best parts of this particular project is that from your gauge swatch you determine how many stitches to cast on and how many repeats of the pattern to knit. It makes for an infinite variety of yarn choices, from a soft and cuddly Angelwing to a light a floaty 2 ply, and anything thicker or thinner as you please.
TDQ's hug took almost an entire hank of 2ply, I could have possibly got one or two more repeats, but why risk running out at the end??
The answer is :
One of the best parts of this particular project is that from your gauge swatch you determine how many stitches to cast on and how many repeats of the pattern to knit. It makes for an infinite variety of yarn choices, from a soft and cuddly Angelwing to a light a floaty 2 ply, and anything thicker or thinner as you please.
TDQ's hug took almost an entire hank of 2ply, I could have possibly got one or two more repeats, but why risk running out at the end??
Sunday, August 22, 2010
When you need a hug....

I have mentioned the side projects from the Summer Swatch Me! project a couple of times now, and here is another one. This one I knit with the group, rather than having a sneak peak so it is the stitch pattern from a couple of weeks ago, rather than what will come out today. (As last week was the final stitch pattern from the sampler I would expect pick up instructions and maybe edging along with another side project if I were you.)

Stats: Champagne Hug, part of the Summer Swatch Me! Project from BadCat Designs
Yarn : Jade Sapphire 2 ply Mongolian Cashmere in Plum Crazy
Needles : Addi Lace Turbo size 4
Notes: This is more of a recipe than a pattern, from your gauge swatch you determine the number of stitches to cast on and how long to make the hug. Of course it is helpful to have both the model and the photographer facing out of the sun when taking pictures!

What do you think?
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Just a Quickie
I am behind in my calendar, but had to share the quote from the weekend!
"Never be afraid to do something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic"
It spoke volumes to me...what about you?
"Never be afraid to do something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic"
It spoke volumes to me...what about you?
Monday, August 16, 2010
Swatching Swatching
One of the best things, actually some of the best things, about the Summer Swatch Me project is that along with the sampler there are a bevy of other things to knit.
This week sees more mitts added to the mix and I actually have a pair of these ones to show you, unlike the single solitary fountain mitt that is teasing me from the hutch of my computer desk.
The Drama Queen reluctantly agreed to model, even though she said that I should buy her a good acoustic or electric guitar so she could look like BadKitten! (Andrea needs a new nickname for that beautiful young lady, she doesn't look Bad to either me or TDQ!)
The yarn is Kabob from one of my favorite drug, I mean yarn, dealers Land O Lace.
Size 1 needles and just a few beads on the cuff, make for a form fitting, elegant mitt that I now can't get off TDQ's hands!
In other knitting news....well sorry, that's a secret!
This week sees more mitts added to the mix and I actually have a pair of these ones to show you, unlike the single solitary fountain mitt that is teasing me from the hutch of my computer desk.

In other knitting news....well sorry, that's a secret!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Among other things...
Among other things, a cautionary tale.
There are many things in this life that you can learn as an adult. Many people take up knitting as a hobby well after college days are behind them, and although hard learning a second or even third language is possible. Learning is part of growing (not necessarily growing up) and part of staying young is creating new neural pathways and connections.
There are many things in this life that you probably shouldn't try for the first time as an adult. things like learning to walk, with all the inevitable tumbles on your behind, or the splits when your tendons and muscles have lost some of their youthful stretch. Many childhood diseases are much more dangerous in adults, the mumps and measles to name but two.
And then there are the not so deadly but purely painful ailments, of which I apparently felt compelled to try just one. And that, my friends is the cautionary tale...Let me be the first to caution you against trying this!
Do not, and I repeat that in my sternest voice, DO NOT try getting so much as a single ear infection for the first time as a grownup. But if you should feel compelled to do so, please do not, and again I repeat in that stern voice, DO NOT get double ear infections in BOTH ears when you are well beyond high school!
A simple ailment that children seem to bounce back from in "no time" brought me to my knees for days! It was so bad I couldn't even knit.
I'll let you digest that for a moment.
Thankfully, the antibiotics or time did their work and I feel much better now. Better enough that I have picked up my needles again, even if I am messing up the most simple instructions in new and unusual ways and so have nothing to show you. But, now that I have some sticks and string in hand I think that I might have found the will to live again!
This arriving might have helped a bit!
Land O Lace yarn in lace and fingering weights. A care package of the best kind.
It is funny, once these skeins of yarn are knit into projects I will probably give them away as presents without a hesitation. Someone will give the socks, or wrap, mitts or tank top a good home and I will move on to the next project.
Until then, while they are still pretty little skeins of fibery goodness I have turned into Gollum. I am sure that my wandering around, with yarn tucked into my arms muttering to myself about "preciouses" and "keeping you forever my beautiful thing" is disturbing to anyone who sees it!
But how could someone not love this :
Or even this:
Through drooling yet?
Before the dreaded ear pains there was other stuff keeping me from my needles and yarn. Over the past few months I have ripped up carpet and laid flooring, installed a new front door :
The door and hallway are straight, it was the photographer that was tilted!
New wallpaper in the living room, though not all the pictures are back on the walls....
And quite a lot of time watching this little guy :

That is the top of my sliding glass door, as seen from the inside, betcha didn't know that I live in a tree! :)
A reflection of the living room along with a tree frog. I think it was this one, but it is hard to tell from the underside.
I am off to try and catch up on some knitting!
What's on your needles?
There are many things in this life that you can learn as an adult. Many people take up knitting as a hobby well after college days are behind them, and although hard learning a second or even third language is possible. Learning is part of growing (not necessarily growing up) and part of staying young is creating new neural pathways and connections.
There are many things in this life that you probably shouldn't try for the first time as an adult. things like learning to walk, with all the inevitable tumbles on your behind, or the splits when your tendons and muscles have lost some of their youthful stretch. Many childhood diseases are much more dangerous in adults, the mumps and measles to name but two.
And then there are the not so deadly but purely painful ailments, of which I apparently felt compelled to try just one. And that, my friends is the cautionary tale...Let me be the first to caution you against trying this!
Do not, and I repeat that in my sternest voice, DO NOT try getting so much as a single ear infection for the first time as a grownup. But if you should feel compelled to do so, please do not, and again I repeat in that stern voice, DO NOT get double ear infections in BOTH ears when you are well beyond high school!
A simple ailment that children seem to bounce back from in "no time" brought me to my knees for days! It was so bad I couldn't even knit.
I'll let you digest that for a moment.
Thankfully, the antibiotics or time did their work and I feel much better now. Better enough that I have picked up my needles again, even if I am messing up the most simple instructions in new and unusual ways and so have nothing to show you. But, now that I have some sticks and string in hand I think that I might have found the will to live again!
This arriving might have helped a bit!

It is funny, once these skeins of yarn are knit into projects I will probably give them away as presents without a hesitation. Someone will give the socks, or wrap, mitts or tank top a good home and I will move on to the next project.
Until then, while they are still pretty little skeins of fibery goodness I have turned into Gollum. I am sure that my wandering around, with yarn tucked into my arms muttering to myself about "preciouses" and "keeping you forever my beautiful thing" is disturbing to anyone who sees it!
But how could someone not love this :

Before the dreaded ear pains there was other stuff keeping me from my needles and yarn. Over the past few months I have ripped up carpet and laid flooring, installed a new front door :

And quite a lot of time watching this little guy :

That is the top of my sliding glass door, as seen from the inside, betcha didn't know that I live in a tree! :)

I am off to try and catch up on some knitting!
What's on your needles?
Monday, August 2, 2010
Do you remember my entry into the ColourMart Spring/Summer Contest?
Here, grab a reminder, I will wait!
I hadn't mentioned it here until now, it is up on Ravelry and Andrea might have mentioned it on the Summer Swatch Me! Group..but I won!
The rules were you could enter into as many categories as you liked but you could only win in one and that one would be the one with the largest prize. It was a peer voted contest, so every finished object started at zero and each time someone clicked "love" you got a vote. Ravelry is pretty fair, you can only click "love" once per post. Very fair way of making sure that the most people got the chance to win. The end result is that I won in Super Sweaters and the prize was 450 grams of ColourMart yarn, my choice of yarn!
Do you like what I picked?
It is a 18/46 in medium blue, 100% cashmere and I think that even before I knit with it I am in love! I can't wait to see what I make with it. :)
As promised yesterday, a look at two socks!
I am still working with the 11 year old camera, although I know what camera I want, I haven't found it at a price I like yet. Maybe in this weekends sales will be the deep discount I am looking for!
Even in this bad picture you can see how the twisted knit stitches stand out, but one of the coolest parts is the inside! But, you will have to make them yourself to see it.
Here, grab a reminder, I will wait!
I hadn't mentioned it here until now, it is up on Ravelry and Andrea might have mentioned it on the Summer Swatch Me! Group..but I won!
The rules were you could enter into as many categories as you liked but you could only win in one and that one would be the one with the largest prize. It was a peer voted contest, so every finished object started at zero and each time someone clicked "love" you got a vote. Ravelry is pretty fair, you can only click "love" once per post. Very fair way of making sure that the most people got the chance to win. The end result is that I won in Super Sweaters and the prize was 450 grams of ColourMart yarn, my choice of yarn!
Do you like what I picked?

As promised yesterday, a look at two socks!

Even in this bad picture you can see how the twisted knit stitches stand out, but one of the coolest parts is the inside! But, you will have to make them yourself to see it.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Busy Busy
You thought my big home improvement projects were finished for a while, didn't you? Well, you would be a little wrong as the new floor and door just begged for something to be done to the walls as well.
The English in me comes out when it comes to decorating. I am a huge fan of wallpaper! This will be either the third or fourth round of paper on these walls (no, I don't go over each time I strip off the old before putting on the new!) and the first batch I tried fought me tooth and nail. Seams that wouldn't lie flat, air bubbles that appeared from no-where overnight while it I have moved on to take two.
Which is a very long way of saying my knitting time has been shorted the past week or so, again! And I seriously need to finish the home improvements as I have some big projects lined up to take me through the end of summer, and then there will be holiday knits..oh my goodness I need to hurry up with the papering!
But, on to things knitting. :)
Swatch 7 for the Summer Swatch Me Project was posted today, along with it's side project.
There really are two socks, this was taken just before* my camera died and I haven't had a chance to get modeled shots or even ones with decent lighting since. Maybe tomorrow after work TDQ can be convinced to either model or be the photographer. I made the socks to fit me, so they will be a touch large on her. :)
Stats: Reverse Pod Socks from BadCatDesigns, rav link but you have to be part of the Yahoo Group to get the pattern right now. I am sure it will be released for separate purchase later!
Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock
Size 1 US needles
It was wonderful to be able to throw open the windows last evening and enjoy some fresher air. I broke down and turned the air back on this afternoon, over 80 degrees while running around doing house work was too much for me!
*I test knit these, so they have been done for a while! :)
The English in me comes out when it comes to decorating. I am a huge fan of wallpaper! This will be either the third or fourth round of paper on these walls (no, I don't go over each time I strip off the old before putting on the new!) and the first batch I tried fought me tooth and nail. Seams that wouldn't lie flat, air bubbles that appeared from no-where overnight while it I have moved on to take two.
Which is a very long way of saying my knitting time has been shorted the past week or so, again! And I seriously need to finish the home improvements as I have some big projects lined up to take me through the end of summer, and then there will be holiday knits..oh my goodness I need to hurry up with the papering!
But, on to things knitting. :)
Swatch 7 for the Summer Swatch Me Project was posted today, along with it's side project.

Stats: Reverse Pod Socks from BadCatDesigns, rav link but you have to be part of the Yahoo Group to get the pattern right now. I am sure it will be released for separate purchase later!
Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock
Size 1 US needles
It was wonderful to be able to throw open the windows last evening and enjoy some fresher air. I broke down and turned the air back on this afternoon, over 80 degrees while running around doing house work was too much for me!
*I test knit these, so they have been done for a while! :)
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