Snow Queen from BadCat Designs has started and here are the first three charts in merino 2/28 from ColourMart. I don't know what is up with me taking blurry pictures today, usually my camera does a fantastic job of auto focus, but today I couldn't seem to work it at all! It is that Alzheimers setting in I am sure.
Run back to Andrea's blog and read her post on working nupps in the round. There is a definite learning curve and I worked through it on my for real, actual shawl...probably not the best idea but these first few charts only have 6 nupps total which was just about enough to get the idea without casting on a doily to practice on.
I feel bad that this is the only knitting I have to show you, not the only knitting I have done lately mind, just the only public variety!
I am going to dig through my stash in search of the perfect yarn for this which might well be my Ravelympics knitting. Unless you have a better idea?