
Friday, March 14, 2008

May I have an extension, please ?

Taller dear son had to model it this is getting longer ! Again, off center so that you can see the side panel. I am not the tallest person in the world, but I was concerned that this was going to be a little shorter than what I wanted, so I went ahead and knitted the extension. For a straight forward diagonal line of decreases and yarn overs I seemed to spend a lot of time tinking this one....guess even though it is straight forward and easy, you have to pay attention when juggling this many stitches.

I am not sure that I am going to make my "end of the weekend" deadline for finishing this, still have the border and the cast off edging to go. All depends on how many times I have to mop the floor. :( yeah, I wouldn't ask if I were you.

Dear Daughter announced yesterday that although she likes the purple monstrosity what she would really like is a poncho. A PONCHO ?!?!?!?!? Does she think I am Martha or something ? Guess I get out the larger needles and get cracking on that instead of the monster......sigh......groan....a poncho ?

I ate today. Veggie stir fry. Lots of veggies, big cuts and shredded ones. Very tasty. :)



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