
Sunday, December 4, 2011

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

TDQ has not been happy this week, first her computer was acting up, worse than usual, and the only cure was a new hard drive. Luckily her dad is a soft touch when it comes to technology.  She asked and he provided the hardware, leaving me to figure out (the very easy really) installation and formatting.  I say very easy, and it is easy to say and do if you do not have hands that do whatever they want, whenever they want and not usually in the direction you want to go.  Timing was going to be crucial, awake enough to know what I was doing, "calmed" enough so that I could handle the itty bitty screws without sending them half way to China in the process.
Laptops are great except that lack of maneuvering room when you are working on them!

Second, on her way to meet the bus that picks her up at Oh dark hundred she noticed holes in her hat that let the wind nip at her ears.

The second was more easily fixed than the first!
Hurricane Hat  in J Knits Delightful (sadly discontinued now, I didn't think it had sat in my stash that long, but maybe it did!)  The color is Boston and it is a hand dyed blue tone worsted weight wool/alpaca blend.  Nice and soft around the ears.

In other knitting, I can finally say I am finished with one person on my list!
Socks for The Other Brother came off the needles this week, his blanket was finished in the summer and his hoodie just a post or two ago, three hand knit things and he is done, done, done!

No pattern to link for the socks, plain vanilla recipe with a four row repeat of some cluster stitches to stop me from having to literally count every row to match the two!

I also threw an unbreakable candy dish on and off the needles in an evening.  There is a plan for it, can't say right now what that is, but maybe in a few weeks (wink).
TDQ says it is a good start on designing her a fez*, maybe for her birthday.  :)

I still have miles of knitting to do and only three weeks to get them done, how is your holiday knitting coming?

Amanda, I will let you know when I am ready for help weaving in ends, even just three would be a help.  :)


According to the Doctor, a fez is cool!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You have already ticked off an impressive number of items on your list. Like the hat and socks. And I am at the ready for the weaving of my ends :)