Knitting is boring, she would say, or "You are faster than me, you make it, please???"
And then we met this lady. She was chatting and braiding cord, and chatting some more, and TDQ decided that she would like to try. A few dollars later this came home with us.

Between sketching for art, she is not happy working on still life pictures, and helping me out around the house she has got this far into her dream of 70 feet of cord.
My friend and fav designer, Andrea of Bad Cat Designs has suggested that once she finishes the cord we coil it up and stitch it into a fingerless mitt. TDQ thinks that is just genius!.
I realized as I was uploading those pics I haven't shown you my in process baby blanket or scarf. The scarf will have to wait, it is at work, but this is how far I got into Stor Lysedug, it is greatly upsized and the free pattern can be found here. This time I am not knitting for my Baby Blankets through Time project, someone I used to work with is expecting again. I am not the only one that wants Heirlooms for my children!
25 more rounds to go, I hope it will be big enough!