Most people seem to have a stock answer when asked what they are thankful for this, friends, job, home, or if they are just sitting down to a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, good food.
I am thankful for all those things too. I wouldn't be much of a knitter if I didn't add that I am thankful for needles, yarn, patterns and the skill to be able to put those things together to make snuggly warm sweaters and socks, or pieces of lace that I am still not sure what to do with! (I got bit by the doily making bug over the summer!)
But Thanksgiving, at least in the US, also marks a milestone for knitters......the time when the smug can sit back and work on something for themselves and the rest of us scrabble to gather materials, patterns, needles (spread sheets if you are the Yarn Harlot, who is in Canada but she is counting down too so I include her in the list!)and start to quietly panic.
This morning I had 27 knitting days until Christmas!
But wait a minute, didn't I start things in the summer? Don't I already have two out of the three required sweaters knit and packaged away? (Yup!) Three pairs of socks have been knit in the past three weeks....
( This is the third pair, TDQ named them Waffles with Syrup Socks and there isn't really a pattern for them, just a basic top down sock with some slipped stitches and purl rows thrown in to stop me from having to count higher than 6! )
and the next pair are halfway done. (Double Yup!)
A hat,

A very bad rendition of a new pattern from Andrea Jurgrau called Autumnal Bug. It certainly shows that I haven't knit with two colors in a while and the hat still isn't blocked but I had a turkey to cook today!
two pairs (so far) of fingerless mitts......
Hmmmmm, as I have culled my knitting list fairly severely this year, in a couple of weeks I might just be one of the smug ones, sitting by the fire with a movie knitting on a pair of socks for me! But, I better not say that too loudly, we all know what happens when knitters start to boast!