I have no idea where the time is flying off to, if you find some of mine laying around near your house having landed somewhere nice and warm, please send it back!
There has been knitting and frogging going on here, and some cleaning up and some trial runs at being the tattooed lady!

This is the tattoo that TDQ is determined to get, for real, sometime soon! Any guesses as to what that character means? (I already know, the answer for you will be at the bottom of this post!)
I needed something quick to give me that sense that I can finish something this week, so one ball of yarn and a couple of hours later I have this:

Yeah, I know the picture quality kinda sucks, what can I say? Artificial light, a flash and cream yarn do not play well together.
Stats: Fancy Gifts and Carlsbad Flower Fields Combo
Pattern: Edging from Bad Cat Designs
Little Gifts...Plain and Fancy attached to Carlsbad Flower Fields wash cloth
Sublime Organic Cotton DKSize 4 US needles and two hours of knitting time. Just what I needed to catch up on the online broadcasts of
This one is going in the Christmas stack, paired with some fancy soap it will make a wonderful teacher gift.
In other cast on news...yes I seem to have forgotten the finishitis I needed!
Another version of the
Endless Cardi Shawl, this time in fingering/lace yarn.

I really hope I did the math right, there is a huge difference in gauge between the pattern and my knitting. I also changed up the pattern stitches as the dropped stitch wasn't doing it for me!
And just so that you don't think I have forgotten my other knitting projects....I did finish one sock (photoless, but finished) the second is yet to be cast on....And....

The top half of a sleeve and one front to go and I will be finished my variation of
That's all for now!
*The tattoo is Crazy