I got things that were whimsical,

things that were practical

and things that inspire me.

In putting away various presents I discovered, much to my chagrin because I had forgotten that I had it, that there was a hank of Lara's Creations Angel's Kiss Semi-Solid yarn in my stash!
Several failed starts later I think I have the beginnings of a wonderful shawl. But, who can go wrong with a Baby Alpaca, Silk and Cashmere blend? When I wound this and started knitting I was sure, absolutely convinced, that she could not come up with a better base yarn.
And then these arrived in the mail.
You have got to feel the Soft 'n' Single yarn to believe it! (It's the green and blue on the left, called Amazon if you are taking notes and getting an order ready.) The yellow arrived just in time to be considered for one of the projects in the new BadCat KnitAlong. (It's Simplicity in Lemon Drop, again if you are taking notes.)
There is still time to join the fun over at the BadCat Group, follow the link above for instructions on how to sign up!
But, before I go, I have one more thing to suggest. If you answered No to the second question I asked at the beginning of the post. Assuming you are not driving shy like I am at the minute, take a little time and visit a store. Pick up a few things that are in the after Christmas Clearance that strike your fancy, they don't have to be big, or many and when you get home, take some of those scraps of wrapping paper that seem to hang around long after all the gifts are wrapped and wrap them up. Put them in your stocking now, and then when you put away your Christmas decorations put the filled stocking with them.
If you are anything like me, next Christmas, when you open the goodies you stashed away for yourself you will have completely forgotten what you bought!
Happy Knitting!