(If you listen carefully, in the background you can hear me counting cast on stitches...1,2,3)
Today is the day that starts the ColourMart Fall Contest and I entered into the Sweater category knowing that before it even really got started I would face a challenge.

Side note, for those of you who do not know it, I work at a bank. Actually, truth be told I am the branch manager of a bank. A bank that falls into the category of Super Regional Bank, so not your local one branch wonder. You would think that there were many things that you would have to know to work in a bank, and years ago when I was starting out there was an assessment to pass before a job offer could be made. If I recall it was one of those silly things that asks questions about your neighbors having lots of leaves on their yard and do you complain or do something about it. There was a typing test, if I recall, but the minimum typing speed they were looking for was pretty durn low but at no time did I have to pass any kind of math or counting test. That first job was to be a bank teller, and to this day my branch lets me run a teller window and deal with money, but the sad truth is, counting is sometimes difficult for me!
(125,126,129..wait was that right?)

My project for the contest is, as I said, a sweater. But one with a slightly different construction - no casting on for a back and then a front, no working front and back together to the armholes in the round....this one starts looking like a large scarf and through origami cast off magic turns into a sweater.
(300...phew nearly there, no where was I ? Oh yes, 196,197,198...)
Endless Knitted Cardi-Shawl by Stitch Diva

Good grief this cast on goes on forever, I see what she means about the Endless part!
*For those of you who want to cast on an inordinate amount of stitches correctly the first time, might I suggest picking a number, be it 5,10 or 25 and place a marker on your needle after that many stitches every time until you reach the right number!
I made it through the first challenge :

Something like 275 straight, boring rows to go!
WIP Wednesday
If you are keeping track, several of the stealthy knitting projects are off the needles, we can scratch the brown, the purple-ish and the red tones off my queue...of course I might have added a greeny-gray and maple leaf burgundy to the mix! I call it a win, three off the needles, three more on...at least I didn't add to my knitting load!