
Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Second Shawl

Knitting really is helping to give me a sense of "normal" right now, not that anyone is really feeling normal and the world is anything but normal...

It is completely normal to buy a special skein of yarn and then have no idea what to do with it!  So you search through the patterns you have, and on Ravelry and they all either use much less or much more yardage than you have!

Twilight Song Shawl is the answer. With its unusual increase ratio (3.1 sts to every 4 rows) this curvy heart is interrupted midway with two bands of lace “edging” and finishes, having used most of your yarn, with the tiniest knitted-on border that can be worked from either the RS or WS of the shawl.

I knit several samples for this one, mostly to prove that it really does work with any yarn!




For those pieces I used as little as 266 yards to as much as 850 yards of yarn!  

You can get the pattern from Knotions or Ravelry now!

Other than knitting what are you doing to keep a small sense of "normal" in your life?

Leave a comment and let me know!

Until next time...

Happy Knitting, stay safe and most of all, remember, we are all in this together, so be kind!


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