
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Shouting on Sunday

I know I usually do Silent Sunday...but I didn't post about this on FO Friday!

Presenting....A Sprinkling of Leaves!  A FREE to you pattern courtesy of

I tend to get a little bit "geeky" about knitting, always wonder why/how/what if and this shawl was one of my meandering through "Do the increase rules really need to be followed in a shawl, ALL the time?"

As it turns out...No.

Unlike hard numbers, knitting is pretty flexible!

From the pattern:

Deciding where, and how, to put increases in a shawl is always fun!  Yes, for various shapes there are “rules” that should be followed, but by its very nature, yarn and knitting are flexible so the rules don’t always have to be followed exactly.  This top-down shawl starts with a massive increase of stitches, as is typically found in old-fashioned knit doilies, then throws all the rules out the window and has increases “like a sprinkling of leaves” throughout the body.

  On the Knotions site there are links to tutorials including:

How to read a knitting chart
No stitches in a knitting chart
Lace knitting 101
Garter tab
Yarn overs and eyelets

The yarn is a gorgeous gradient from Ozifarmer's bank balance hates every time I so much as type that name because sure as fire I am going to go look and find yet another colorway I can't live without! (And if YOU don't see one you can't live without...message Dawn she is the sweetest person ever and dyes to order!)

I can't wait to see what colors you pick to make your own shawl!

And, although Knotions did professional photography with Edsgar Portrait Studio...TDQ would like you to know that the shawl looks absolutely amazing with a witches hat too!

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