This was also the week of TDQ's birthday. I thought I had that all under control as well, gifts purchased and made (well the blue thing isn't finished but she knew that heading into the day) but by the time I got home she was well into the grouchies and would not be budged! (Note to all mothers of teenage girls out there, triple check that when your darling teenager says she wants pineapple upside down cake, that she doesn't really want ice cream cake. Obviously in teen speak sometimes pineapple means ice cream and I didn't get it translated properly!) I later found out that wasn't all that had "gone wrong" with her day, someone who should have remembered her birthday forgot to even say Happy Birthday, someone who should leave her alone felt a need to reopen old hurts by mailing something here. All around I can see why she caught the grouchies and kept them close for the rest of the day!
The good news is, she got over most of them, and is wearing her socks and other presents I got her and back to her usual self today.
Would you like to see the little progress I made on her Blue Thing? Amanda, you were right, it is shaping up to be a Tardis.
I need to get some more of the base blue to finish it up, and figure out if she wants it soft and cuddly or firm and suitable for a door stop!
In my abbreviated lunch times I got a few more repeats of my Some Kind of Wrap done,

and finished up one Water for the Elephants sock...

and then made a tragic mistake. Rather than cast on for the next sock right away I might have been distracted by the colors in some yarn TDQ found on one of our recent shopping trips.

Would you believe those gorgeous colors, in what feels like real wool no less, were 80 cents for 50 gram balls???? I think we cleared them out of that colorway, all nine balls, but I will check back another time and really search the boxes they were in, just in case!
TDQ finds wool a bit scratchy to wear, but is more than happy to cuddle up in a blanket so I tried pairing it with some cream cotton to make a modular blanket for her.

Then changed my mind and dragged out some of the wool that a friend passed on to me when it had been sitting in a storage room for years. It is hard to tell from the pictures, but the first square has the cotton and for the second I pulled out the cone of "natural 100% virgin wool" circa nineteen hundred and frozen to death! I think that I will make this lap blanket sized, just because I would hate to be the poor fool handwashing a bed sized blanket every time she spills her tea on it!
If I had put all the knitting time on those projects together, I could probably have finished something! What can I say, I am a fickle knitter!