
Monday, October 3, 2022

Monday Musings

 Well, hello!

It has been a while, and I am sure the same old excuses are getting old!  But, maybe now that summer is over I can get back into some kind of routine.

How was your summer?

Mine was filled with ridiculous things like knitting clock faces, giant doilies to go on hula hoops, getting used to new routines and then having them shattered for a few weeks, lots of veggie gardening and not enough keeping up with actually publishing patterns!  There are so many coming up in the next few weeks it makes my head spin.

Annina, Tanja and I have also been getting ready for this years After Party Gals Mystery Sock Along; although I have to admit I am a bit behind on getting my socks knitted up and we have something really special in the works for before that event starts.


But, that is enough for today!  Hopefully this writing things down will stick and I will be back Wednesday with some more WiP's.



Sunday, October 2, 2022

Welcome Fall


After nearly three years of not going to fiber festivals, I think we can all say I made up for it in one frenzied day of shopping!