Reminds me of my knitting. Sometimes the yarns are familiar and the pattern different, or the pattern is familiar and the yarns are different, and sometimes the entire thing is the same!
Take TFB's hooded cardigan he wants for Christmas. I started in on it a while ago, got to just past where I was separating the body from the arms and I had him try it on. That is the beauty of a top down raglan sweater, try as you go and make sure you don't end up with something too big, or too small, but something with a fit that is just right.
Now I am suffering from a large case of Deja Vu, because back to the beginning I went to make the whole thing just a touch wider and the arm holes a significant amount longer.
I had a lovely surprise in my mailbox this week! One of the stealth projects that I have been working on was knit out of some ever-so-soft, truly wonderful in the hands alpaca yarn, and I mentioned to Andrea that I wished I had more of it so that I could make a neck warmer for myself!

Not only did she send me some ever-so-soft, truly stunning in color, alpaca, there was even a skein of ever so soft, truly stunning in colors merino to go with it! Not to leave out our favorite model there was even a mason jar filled to the brim with beads for TDQ!
In random lunchtime knitting I got a couple more chapstick holders knit, ringed and ready to go.

And while watching Dr Who I managed to knit a pair of fingerless mitts.

As many do, I follow the Yarn Harlot's blog pretty closely, she has some hysterical stories that she tells and there is more than just knitting there, her entire life it seems like is on display...but I digress, the other day when I looked at it she mentioned a blog I had never heard of, so I clicked the link and scrolled through the entries, and stopped when I came to some fingerless mitts and mittens that caught my eye. A quick look at Ravelry and it doesn't look like the designer has published a pattern, so I examined her pictures as closely as I could and made one up myself.
I think I came pretty close, even without having knit the button band.
That is all I have time to share today, maybe next week I will have some more knitting to share! (But don't hold your breath, the kids get YoYo for dinner 3 out of 5 nights this week so we know I am running all week long!)