Good grief it has been nearly two months since I posted anything here!
Did you wonder if I fell off the side of the planet?
Or if I got lost on my way to some exciting destination?
Did you think that maybe a tall, handsome man in a strange blue box finally arrived and took me away from it all?*
Or maybe your thoughts turned to darker what if I broke all my fingers and couldn't type or knit.
Did I find a new drug of choice and give up yarn and needles entirely?
It was none of those things, just life got in the way of everything and just when things were supposed to slow down and get easier, instead they got busier and busier until I swore I would one day meet myself at the door as I was coming and going.
And then I looked at the calendar and realized that here it was the middle of Socktober and I haven't even knit a pair of socks in ....... well a really long time! Maybe tonight I will, but I have had my needles busy clicking away, even if I haven't blogged about it.
But let's back track just a little September.
The kids and I went to Wool Gathering and had a really good time, so good that TDQ fell asleep in the car on the way home, totally exhausted, still holding the tail end of an ice cream cone in her hand! Of course we watched the dog herding ducks, looked at all the yarns and spinning wheels. Watched parts of some classes on spinning and demos on weaving. I met up with a few people I only "virtually" knew and chatted with them in real life for once and got a bunch of compliments on the shawl I was wearing. (Sangria by BadCat Designs in a wonderful yarn from Lara's Creations.)We ate too much ice cream but missed out on buying any cheese because the minions were just too darn tired by the end of the day to do anything more than trek to the car and slump in their seats.

Andrea had a pattern published in a magazine that was issued just in time for us to see at Wool Gathering, so I had to buy a copy to support the company that supports the designer I love! It is The Unofficial DownTown Abbey Knits and Andrea is responsible for High Tea Cuffs and Jabot.
When I saw the pattern as a sneak peak to test knit I fell in love with the shawl pin she used and bought myself several from Sterling Simplicity that I have been using when I wear a shawl instead of a sweater for business casual days at work.

Then came the ColourMart Fall Contest. I cast on for Antler in some merino/angora mix that had been marinating in my stash for quite some time. I was a good little knitter and swatched, washed the swatch and then took into account that the swatch actually shrank nearly 20% but turned into the softest most cuddly swatch I have knit in a long time.

The boring parts of the sweater, namely the sleeves and body, felt like they took a long time to knit, but once I put those parts together and started in on the patterned yoke it just flew off my needles, although I still haven't got the snaps I want to put under buttons on it!
There was a brief interlude while I fell under the Yarn Harlot's spell and cast on, and off, several washcloths,

and a shawl

before I headed back into Christmas Sweater Knitting.

And now here it is, Socktober and I still have not knit any socks!
What is any knitter to do?
Maybe something with these?