Life has been trucking on at Chez Yarn Diet. We had a couple of ever so busy weeks, weeks where there was not a single evening where I was home with all of my family, just out with one or two at a time. By the time we hit a day where not only was I going to be home after work, but I didn't need to run back out to work the next morning I felt like I deserved an evening of peace, quiet, comfy slippers and my spot on the sofa.
I bragged about the evening I was going to have and how once I got home I was going to settle in and not move for hours.......
My team smiled, my customers nodded and the powers that be giggled and whispered "We'll show her!"
I woke up the next morning with the mother of all headaches.....I couldn't breath without hacking up a lung, my nose was running and getting dressed wore me out to the point I took a three hour nap! It has taken over a week to get over that pesky bug, everyone here has had it, everyone had days where just getting out of bed was an accomplishment, but we are all much better now.
We are a little behind on our Christmas preparations, although anyone who has 6 Christmas trees up and decorated really can't claim that they have done nothing for the holidays!
Knitted goods, however, are at a premium! This is not the year of a blanket, sweater and a pair of socks for each child, hats, scarves and mittens for friends and family.....
But, I finally finished the second set of Bigger on the Inside socks.

Knit Picks fingering yarn in a deep, dark, red. Cables on either side of the TARDIS, and extra long in the feet because someone seems to have grown a lot this year!
I also finished up my just plain Bigger Socks. Plain no pattern to speak of socks, short row heel and done!

I did have one more pair of socks on my needles, halfway through the heel flap when one of my impatient children accidentally ripped all my stitches off the needles moving it from the seat they wanted to sit in......eventually I will feel like picking up the stitches.
But not today!