Along with the queries were little gifts, you saw the one that Amanda sent me, the ball I didn't need to juggle, but you haven't seen what Bev from Land O Lace sent. Bev has been looking into using some different yarn bases for her fabulous dyeing, first up was some silk. A 2/20 nm laceweight in one of my all time favorite colorways, Bruno.
TDQ got a glimpse of it and whined and carried on until I had picked up some knitting needles....small aside here, of all the things I haven't been doing the past couple of months, the lack of knitting had her worried. To quote another famous knitter she complained that I was "Never not knitting" and that I would feel much better with needles and yarny goodness in my hands....then the hunt for a pattern that met her desires ensued. I wanted something interesting to knit, she wanted something I could knit fast in the hopes that some finishitupus would make me happier.
So, coming soon to an online retailer near you we have the (as yet unnamed) 2/20 silk as Swallowtail.

Just to show how well this silk blocks, this is what it looked like before bathing and stretching.

And no, Amanda, I was not knitting while listening, but I am knitting least a couple of rows each day. I am not sure I am any happier or less stressed, but it does seem to have calmed my daughter down a bit.