
Monday, March 23, 2020

Like Sand Through an Hour Glass

These are the days of our lives.

The world is certainly in how're you holding up?

I'll be honest, we have been a bit "up and down" in my little corner of the world.

For those of you staying home, staying away from other people as best you can, please accept my personal thanks.  I know it is hard!

My family...we're all essential industries, so the work and going out continues, but only to work and my one trip to gather supplies to feed us.

Gathering supplies has be, shall we say, interesting!  The panic buying from people who don't know how much of things they will need to survive two weeks at home has been incredible, and just when the world wide toilet paper shortage got into full swing, my washing machine died!

A week of rationing toilet paper (as hand washing meant cloth alternatives were not high on my list of things I wanted to do) commenced before the new one was delivered. In an abundance of caution I had it delivered to the front porch and manhandled the thing into the house and up onto the pedestal that I had built for the prior one.

It's taller than the one we had before, so TDQ can barely reach to put detergent in it, but I am not losing the cubby under it where the laundry baskets live so she will have to stand on tip toe to wash clothes.  But...nothing says Happiness like not having to hand wash all your things!

Like many of you, I thought I would turn to knitting for comfort in these wildly stressful times...and I can't wait to share one of those projects with you this weekend!  Here's the tiniest of sneak peaks....
As you can tell it will be a Knotions pattern...there will be two that I will be talking about on Friday!

Until then...stay safe, don't hoard and knit on!


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