
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Silent Sunday Again

Completed socks, a freezer in my hallway and a mistake in the second pair of socks...

Raise your hand if you are done with 2020...I know I am!

Friday, June 26, 2020

So Much to Talk About but I'll try to be Brief.

So many things happening in the world over the past few weeks.

It seems hard to believe that it is nearly the end of June!  In some ways the first six months of this year have flown by, but in others it has already lasted a decade.

I heard a thing where someone said that 2020 is probably proof that time travel does exist.  Someone came "back" to fix something and set another thing in motion, came back to fix that and something else least they seem to have prevented the murder hornet invasion!

I usually don't get political here but...

Some of the things going on are really important social issues that have needed to be addressed for a very long time...and yes I fall firmly in the camp of All Lives Don't Matter until Black Lives Matter.  

But, as the governor of the state I live in says...we can do two things (or more) at once.

Another area that has needed to be addressed for a while is the way we treat our disabled and neuro-a-typical population.

Ravelry didn't take their needs into account when they rolled our a web-site wide redesign last week.  Within hours of the new site going live the complaints were coming in..."the brightness is giving me headaches, vertigo, the drop down box shadows are making me sick to my stomach, the moving graphics set off a seizure"...and at first the answer was "It's not brighter, you're imagining things, it's the same white it always was." and an absolute refusal to roll back to the previous version while they sorted out what was happening to some people,

Over the past couple of days they have made some "minor" can switch back to the old style as your own preference (for now) and made the moving graphic on the landing page to log in static unless you click "play"...but I know that for some people even those changes haven't been enough to make Ravelry a space they feel safe going to, which brings me to the "something to talk about"...

I now have an additional place you can go to buy my patterns.  They won't show up in your Ravelry library (I'm still trying to figure out how to provide individual codes to each purchaser so that you can add them once Ravelry is safe for all again.) and I don't have all my patterns uploaded there yet, but I will get them there!

Welcome to my new store on Payhip!

I was going to release a new pattern this week, but, I am using my time to get my patterns in the new store rather than finishing up the pattern for you.


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Sunday, June 7, 2020

It's been a rough week but

Some things are starting to come together!