
Sunday, July 3, 2016

(Late) B-Day Goodies and Knitting

I have this friend that kind of fell under the spell of my knitting during my lunch break and started knitting too a few years ago.  I introduced her to some "budget" yarn sites, and some not so budget yarn sites. I even led the way to my all time favorite designer's knit alongs.

She still isn't very confident in things like fixing her work, where I am fearless and will just rip things off the needles (without a lifeline) and pick up where they were last right, or pull just a few stitches off and drop them back to where things went wrong and fix them.  On those rare occasions that she doesn't just frog back to the beginning, I have been known to pick up her stitches for her when she drops them.

Not that there are not things I have not been brave enough to try yet...steeking comes to mind, really I should give it a go!  (Ok but maybe not on a blanket or sweater for my first attempt!)

But, I digress.

The rule here is, if you are not a knitter and you give me yarn you get it back as a finished object the next time a gift giving opportunity presents itself.  But, if you are a knitter all bets are off and I keep the finished object and love it even more because you, a knitter, gave me the most precious thing ever...a new project! friend figured out a new thing now that I am designing and publishing...give a gal some yarn and get a finished pattern out of it!

I asked for hints about what she would like to knit with hers, and got the same kind of response that I get from my kids when I ask what they want for their upcoming birthday, that random noise that is translated to "I don't know".

The yarn isn't telling any secrets either, I keep hearing little whispers of "I could be..." and "I could be..." but no "I want to be."

Oh, you want to know what yarn I am talking about?

 The Lemonade Shop, Mighty Sock in Rainbows and Clouds.  Take a look around her etsy site, I really like Bad Day and Stormy Day too! (Of course that could just be because I am in a mood* and the names appeal to me...on second thought, not true, I really do like the colors and it has nothing to do with the mood!)  If you hear the yarn saying what it would like to be, leave me a comment.  I can't possibly knit all the ideas I have had from the one skein!

In other knitting news...

Yes I know you didn't get a newsletter, if you were signed up for it!  After sending out two pattern release announcements I decided that I didn't want to overload you email with yet another thing from me this month. Our regular routine will be back in place for July.

Testing call went out for another pattern on Ravelry this week. If you are part of Ravelry and signed in the link will take you right to it, if you are not signed up...just do it already!  The site is free and a glorious time sink resource for knitting patterns; along with knitting friends, along with techniques and help.

I made some (slight) progress on my test knit for another Colourmart Lover's knitter, referred to as a  Colourmartian.

(And btw, Richard, I really should unsubscribe from your emails you are tempting me beyond belief with all the  yarn you are stocking this month!  Especially this one, I can knit with a 2/60 how much harder will a 2/70 be?)**

Speaking of knitting with a 2/60 here is more (slight) progress on knitting projects!

I still think that I am crazy.  What is even crazier is I am trying to chart out lower case letters too for the border.  It might never happen, because I have to keep changing the stitch counts as letters don't work with what I had used before...shoulda started with a hard one instead of "a".

It is a holiday weekend here, so I am hoping to actually get some knitting time in on Monday. The weekend was  pretty much a knitting bust (see above comment about mood!) 

Happy Belated Canada Day to my Canadian friends, and Happy July 4th to my American friends.


*I had a forced Windows 10 upgrade and Windows 10 isn't playing nicely with me right now.  All my charts are falling off their grids when I save them.  The silly computer will randomly save things to places they shouldn't be and to make matters worse there is no "recent places" and for some reason this particular computer is configured to save everything to a teeny, tiny segment of a giant hard drive!

**Seriously, look at some of those colors and the price!  But...the last thing this stash downing gal needs is 1800 more yards of anything! Not to mention that I  spent my yarn money on a new dishwasher.

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