
Friday, March 28, 2008

FO Friday

I don't know if finishing a clue on a knitalong counts as a Finished Object or not, but I included it anyway. :)

What is painfully missing from that collection is the poncho for the Drama Queen, which is neither photographed nor finished. Something about that yarn makes my hands itch and I couldn't face more than ten rows on it today - which at least means that there are only 65 more to go.

Technical trouble for the designer meant no second clue for SoBN was published today. I kept myself occupied with bookmarks for a bit......but what I really wanted to do was try knitting Mystic Light in a laceweight and see how the cables turned out. The answer was badly in the lace weight yarn that I had available so that got frogged and I was starting to look around for a different fingering weight online when that little voice in my head started talking.

It went something like this :

"What are you doing ?" the voice in my head asked.
"ummm, looking for a nice yarn." that would be me
"Why would you do that, there are no less than seven rubermaid containers in your basement full of yarn." voice in my head again - funny sounds kinda like my ex, you could substitute the sound of your own ex, or significant other here if you like. :)
"I don't like what I have." oops, probably not the best thing to say.
"Then get rid of it." funny, now it sounds more like me !
"well, I might want to use it for something....but there isn't much fingering weight in there, and I need fingering weight."
"What about this ?" the voice in my head has developed arms and is holding up a fingering weight (baby blue !) yarn.
"It's.....well it's acrylic.." wrinkling my nose.

The voice in my head can be very reasonable at times and did point out that if I am not going to knit with the acrylic yarns I probably should get rid of them - my only "get out of jail free card" for that is someone might have a know someone who doesn't know to hand wash things ?!?!?

In the end the voice won though, no new yarn for me today. But I did rediscover a silk/cotton/wool blend that will work for my second Mystic Light. I am not a big fan of frogging and will keep working on the original one, I just don't think that the yarn does the pattern justice. I will post pics of the silk tweed tomorrow and you will be able to see for yourself.


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